Piping Tips
The articles below cover a variety of different aspects of piping; from maintenance, to tuning, to playing in public.
HempingA discussion of hemp, and the techniquesused to ensure your joints are airtight. |
Selecting a Chanter ReedCriteria and techniques for selecting a pipe chanter reed. |
Drone Reed SetupThis article covers the initial setup of yourdrone reeds. |
Blowing Steady PressureDiscusses the importance of good posture andsteady air pressure while playing the pipes. |
Tuning the DronesThis article covers the initial setup of yourdrone reeds. |
Pipe Tuning with an Electronc TunerA discussion of the process used for tuningyour pipes using an electronic tuner. |
Packing your PipesProtect your pipes by followingthe packing process described here. |
Using Two ChantersDiscusses the benefit of having a secondpipe chanter for non-band events. |
The Practice ChanterLearn the anatomy ofthe practice chanter here. |
The Practice Chanter ReedLearn how to select, tune andmaintain your practice chanter reed. |
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