» Highland Reeds Drone Valves (In Stock)

Highland Reeds Drone Valves (In Stock)

Highland Reeds Drone Valves (In Stock)

Quantity in Basket: 
Shipping Weight: 
0.25 pounds

Highland Reeds Drone Valves by Bruce Hitchings  – set of three. These drone valves are screw adjustable which means that they can be accurately set to suit your blowing strength and don’t fluctuate with bad blowing. Benefits are:

* Assisting with strike in and cut off
* Accurately set to suit your blowing strength
* Regulate air flow to the drones giving a much steadier drone sound
* A real help for pipe majors who need a uniform sound from their unsteady blowers


Warranty: All merchandise is covered under the manufacturer's warranty; Pipeline is not responsible for these warranties.

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